Fees Structure

Program Wise Fees

ProgramIntakeEligibilityFees per Semester (Rs)
3 A
B.Tech. Computer Engineering180Refer
3 C 1

(As per FRC(T) approval)

B.Tech. Information Technology50
BSc (Hons.) Artificial intelligence and and Data Science
(IBM Collaborated)
3 A
M.Sc. Information Technology20Refer
3 B
M.Sc. Data Science2044,000
ProgramIntakeEligibilityFees per Semester (Rs)
B.Sc. (Hons.) Biotechnology50Refer
3 A
B.Sc. (Hons.) Biomedical Sciences30
B.Sc. (Hons.) Microbiology30Refer
3 A
B.Sc. (Hons.) Forensic Science5041,000
B.Tech. Biotechnology120Refer
3 C 1
(As per FRC(T) approval)
B.Tech. Chemical Engineering30
M.Sc. Biotechnology40Refer
3 B
M.Sc. Biotechnology (DBT Supported – GAT B Merit)1012,500**
M.Sc. Biotechnology (DBT Supported – IAR Merit)1048,000
M.Sc. Microbiology3046,000
M.Sc. Chemistry (Specializations-Organic/ Analytical/Industrial)3033,000
ProgramIntakeEligibilityFees per Semester (Rs)
BBA80Refer 3 A32,000
BBA (IBM Collaborated)30Refer 3 A39,500
MBA60Refer 3 C 251,500*
(As per FRC(T) Approval)
Executive MBA (IBM Collaborated)20Refer 3 C 249,000
M.Com.(US – Accounting)20Refer 3 C 220,000

Fees :  INR 50,000/- per semester

Against advertisement.

Please refer to University website (Amendment I)

Link : https://iar.ac.in/admissions/academic-programs/ph-d-admissions/

Program Wise Admission Eligibility

Semester Fees
B.Sc.(Hons)/B.Sc.(Hons) IBM Collaborated
BCAM.Sc.(DBT GAT B/IAR Merit studentsM.Sc.BBA/BBA(IBM Collaborated)
B.TECH.*MBA*/Exec. MBA(IBM Collaborated)
(US Accounting)
OPENRs 41000, Rs 35000,32000 / 39500Rs 32000As Specified by DBT(GAT B) 12500*/ 48000Rs 46000/ 44000/33000Rs 32000 / 39500Rs 42000*Rs 51500/49000Rs 20000
OVERSEAS STUDENTSUS$ 1600 , 1400/ 1700
per annum
US$ 1300 per annumUS$ 500/1900 per annumUS$ 1800/1700/1300
per annum
US$ 1300/1700 per annumUS$ 1350 per annumUS$ 1600/1900 per annumUS$ 800 per annum

Government Scholarship:

  1. Students from SEBC, SC, ST categories can avail the scholarship facility provided by the State Government under Digital Gujarat Portal. Institute of Advanced Research helps the students to apply in the respective categories under Digital Gujarat Scholarship schemes.
  2. Students from Minority Category can avail the facility of scholarship provided by the minority commission of Govt. of India. Institute of Advanced Research will publish the Circular received from the Central / State Government and will help the students to apply in National Portal Scholarship scheme from time to time.
  3. Students, who fulfill the eligibility criteria of the MYSY/CMSS scholarship, apply under Mukhya Mantri Yuva Swavalamban Yojana (MYSY) and receive the scholarship through the direct benefit of transfer. IAR provides necessary certificates to apply in MYSY/CMSS Scheme.

3 A. Undergraduate Programs (UG) Non-Professional (B.Sc.(Hons.)/BBA/BBA(IBM Collaborated)/BCA)

The student seeking admissions to: Under Graduate Program must have passed any of following

  1. 10+2 level examination of any recognized Central/State Board of Secondary Education, including Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, and Council for Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi.
  2. Intermediate Science or Two-year Pre-University Examination conducted by a recognized Board/University.
  3. Any Public School/Board/University Examination in India or in foreign countries recognized by the Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to 10+2 system.
  4. High School Certificate Examination of Cambridge University.
  5. Senior Secondary School Examination conducted by the National Open School with minimum five subjects.
  6. Any internationally recognised secondary school examination equivalent to 10+2 examination, K12 examination or Cambridge High School Certificate Examination


  1. For B.Sc.(Hons) Biotechnology, Microbiology, Forensic Science and Biomedical Science programs, the candidate should have passed 12th standard examination or equivalent from science stream with minimum any 2 of the following subjects – Physics, Chemistry and Biology. For B.Sc. (Hons.) (IBM Collaborated) program, the candidate should have passed 12 th standard examination or equivalent from science stream with PCM or PCMB Subjects.
  2. Candidates seeking admission in BBA /BBA (IBM Collaborated) are required to have passed 12th standard examination or equivalent from science or commerce discipline.
  3. Applicants for BCA program may have passed 12th Examination with any subject combinations including Arts and Commerce.
  4. Candidates for all programs  must have passed any of the qualifying examinations with English as one of the subjects.

3 B. Postgraduate Programs (PG) Non Professional (M.Sc.), M.Sc. Biotechnology (DBT Supported).

The student seeking admissions to: Post Graduate Non Professional Program :

  1. Candidate must have Bachelor’s Degree in respective discipline under 10+2+3 or 10+2+4 pattern of education from any recognized University from relevant disciplines.
  2. For M.Sc. Biotechnology (DBT supported) program student must have minimum eligibility criteria (i.e. minimum marks of GATB entrance examination) as defined by DBT, Regional Centre for Biotechnology, Govt. of India
  3. Final year students awaiting final year results are encouraged to apply. They may be offered admission provisionally. Confirmation of their admission will be subject to successfully passing the Bachelor’s degree.

3 C 1.Undergraduate Graduate(UG) Professional Programs, B.Tech.

The student seeking admissions in: Undergraduate Program (B.Tech. )

  1. Admission Eligibility for Degree Engineering Courses: The aspiring candidates should have passed Std. 12 (Science Stream) with minimum 45% (40% for SC/ST and SEBC) in three subjects viz. two compulsory subjects i.e. Physics and Mathematics and any one of optional subjects i.e. (Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology/Technical Vocational Subjects prescribed by respective boards) from single board and should have appeared in GUJCET or similar qualifying exams as per the guidelines mention on website for Admissions Committee for Professional Courses, Govt. of Gujarat to be eligible for the admission.
    As per the recent notification from AICTE, Students having PCB can now apply for B.Tech. Biotechnology program or any other B.Tech. program.
  2. For admission in the first year of B. Tech. after Std. 12 (Science Stream) and second year lateral entry to B.Tech. (D2D) programs on State quota seats of Self Finance Engineering Institutes and seats of management quota of Self Finance Engineering Institutes will be carried out as per admissions rules set by ACPC, Government of Gujarat. For more information about online admission process for the academic year 2024 visit website: https://gujacpc.admissions.nic.in/home-8/be-b-tech/
  3. Students seeking admission into B.Tech. programs may also contact the University for advice and guidance.

3 C 2. Post Graduate (PG) Professional Programs MBA, Executive MBA (IBM Collaborated), M.Com. (US-Accounting)

The student seeking admissions in Postgraduate Professional Program (MBA):

  1. Students seeking admission to Master of Business Administration (MBA) program need to possess Bachelor degree from UGC recognized university and passed entrance exam as per the guidelines provided on website for Admissions Committee for Professional Courses, Govt. of Gujarat to be eligible for the admission.
  2. University follows admission procedure as mentioned on website: https://gujacpc.admissions.nic.in/mba-mca/
  3. Students seeking admissions into MBA program may also contact the University for advice and guidance.
  4. Lateral Entry: Lateral entry admission applications will be considered after the recommendation of the concerned department and approval by Dean (Academic).

Executive MBA (IBM Collaborated) :

  1. Students seeking admission to Executive Master of Business Administration (Ex.MBA) program need to possess Bachelor degree with 55% from UGC recognized university and must have one year of working experience after graduation. Applicants must apply directly to the University for Executive MBA program.

M.Com. (US-Accounting)

  1. Students seeking admission to M.Com. (US-Accounting) program need to possess Bachelor degree with 55% from UGC recognized university.

4.  International Student Admissions: International students have to apply in the prescribed online format with all the necessary documents prescribed by the State Government and students have to produce an equivalence certificate from the AIU in support of eligibility for admission.

5.  Dropouts and Absentee Students


The policy shall apply to dropouts and students who are not attending the classes regularly after the commencement of the Semester.


  1. If a student remains absent continuously for 7 days without any written communication and prior permission, the mentor shall contact the student by email/SMS and phone call (with an email copy marked to the Head of Department) to enquire and counsel the student regarding the importance of attending classes regularly.
  2. If the student remains absent continuously for 14 days without permission, the mentor shall contact the parent of the student by email/SMS and phone call (with an email copy marked to the Head of Department and student) to enquire and counsel the parent regarding the importance of attending classes regularly.
  3. If the student remains absent continuously for 21 days without permission, the mentor shall contact the student and parent by email/SMS and phone call (with an email copy marked to the Head) to report in person at the office of the Head of Department within a week.
  4. If the student remains absent continuously for 28 days and does not show up for the formal meeting within the stipulated time, the Head of Department shall formally inform Dean (Academics) office. A recommendation to Registrar by Dean (Academics) after due consultation with mentor and Head of Department shall be sent to Registrar to deregister the student from the official rolls.
  5. The Registrar office on receipt of recommendation shall initiate the process of deregistration by issuing a warning letter by email and post to the student with a copy to the Head of Department and parent asking the student to report in person to the Registrar office within a week failing which his/her name shall be deregistered from the official rolls.
  6. If the student fails to show up for the formal meeting within the stipulated time, Registrar Office shall be at liberty to deregister the student from official Rolls and circulate the same to the concerned Head of Department, Account Section, and Student Affairs Office.
  7. In case a student applies to the Head of Department/Mentor/Student Affairs Office for withdrawal of admission or discontinuing the course of study as per rules, it should be communicated to the Registrar’s office to initiate the proceedings of deregistration.

Please refer to the policy document released by Research and Innovation cell which available on the university website www.iar.ac.in and updated from time to time.

University provides limited hostel facility on first cum first serve basis. We have separate hostel facility for boys and girls. The students need to apply for hostel facility while confirming his/her admission. The applicable hostel fee including mess charges for the entire year is payable at the time of admission. The university hostels are allotted as per the rules and regulations of university and university reserves the right of hostel admission.

University provides canteen and cafeteria facility within campus at separate cost to all students.

Online Semester Fees Payment

IAR Scholarship Scheme

Financial Assistance Scheme

The University offers Financial Assistance to students who face financial difficulties. These awards are means tested including family income.

Recipients of the financial assistance:

  1. Must be enrolled as full-time student Must have annual family income less than Rs. 2,00,000.00 IRs 2 Lacs). For Ex. Income Certificate issued by the government Authority, Salary slip, IT Return/Form-16, Valid income proof.
  2. Should have evidence of good moral character.
  3. Must meet the requirements of minimum attendance which is 75%.
  4. Must pass examination in each semester with minimum 6.5 SGPA without any backlog subjects.
  1. The University will publish a notice for both Schemes Fresh/Renewal.
  2. Eligible student will formally submit an application form.
  3. Appropriate mark-sheet(s) along with birth certificate must be provided with the application.
  4. Previous semester marksheets in case of renewal.
  5. Annual Income Certificate of parent must be provided with the application in case of Financial Assistance Scheme
  6. Last six months valid bank statement in case of Financial Assistance Scheme
  7. Any other evidence required by the university must be provided.
  1. An institutional review committee will be set up to evaluate the received applications.
  2. The scholarships cover upto 25% or more on case to case bases.
  3. Scholarships are paid in arrears on successful completion of studies in any given year.
  4. The committee may invite students and/or parents for a discussion/ interview. 
  5. Scholarships to individuals are reviewed annually.
  6. Every individual is given one scholarship only.
  7. The decision of the committee will be final.
  1. Recipients of the financial assistance are expected to repay the amount (after the completion of studies or whenever they are in position to do so), so that the university is able to extend the financial assistance to more and more students in need.
  2. Students who withdraw their admissions must repay the scholarship/assistance to the University for further process of no due certificate/NOC/final marksheets or transcripts/degree certificate.

Merit Scholarships Scheme

Institute of Advanced Research offers Merit Scholarships to high achieving students throughout their studies at the University and across all academic programs.

Recipients of the financial assistance:

  1. Must be enrolled as full-time student.
  2. Must have scored more than 85% in 10+2 examinations for UG Program, 80% for PG Program and for PhD program must be recommended by RAC.
  3. Should have evidence of good moral character.
  4. Must meet the requirements of minimum attendance which is 75%.
  5. Must pass examination in each semester with minimum 8.5 SGPA without any backlog subjects in case of renewal.
  1. The University will publish a notice for both Schemes Fresh/Renewal.
  2. Eligible student will formally submit an application form.
  3. Appropriate mark-sheet(s) along with birth certificate must be provided with the application.
  4. Previous semester marksheets in case of renewal.
  5. Annual Income Certificate of parent must be provided with the application in case of Financial Assistance Scheme
  6. Last six months valid bank statement in case of Financial Assistance Scheme
  7. Any other evidence required by the university must be provided.
  1. An institutional review committee will be set up to evaluate the received applications.
  2. The scholarships cover upto 25% or more on case to case bases.
  3. Scholarships are paid in arrears on successful completion of studies in any given year.
  4. The committee may invite students and/or parents for a discussion/ interview. 
  5. Scholarships to individuals are reviewed annually.
  6. Every individual is given one scholarship only.
  7. The decision of the committee will be final.

Government Scholarships

Digital Gujarat Portal Scholarship

Students from SEBC, SC, ST and Freeship Card Holder category can avail the scholarship facility provided by the State Government
under Digital Gujarat Portal. Institute of Advanced Research helps the students to apply in respective category under Digital
Gujarat Scholarship schemes.

National Portal Scholarships

Students from Minority Category can avail the facility of scholarship provided by the minority commission of Govt. of India.
Institute of Advanced Research will publish the Circular received from the Central / State Government and helps the students
to apply in the National Portal Scholarship scheme from time to time.

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