Program Overview

B.Sc (Hons.) Microbiology

In compliance with the National Education Policy 2020, B.Sc. (Hons.) Microbiology is a four-year undergraduate (8 semester) program that endeavors to instill in students the skill to identify, handle and examine the microorganisms by using different microbiological methods. Understanding of important microorganisms plays a huge role in human health and disease, food and dairy industry, pharmaceutical industry and agricultural field. In addition to these microbiology plays a key role in genetic engineering and other modern biotechnologies such as antibiotic production and the exploitation of new sources of food and energy.
The course contents are designed as per UGC guidelines. It contains Major (Core) Courses (With Internship), Minor (Elective) Courses, Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary/Allied Courses, AEC (Ability Enhancement Courses),SEC (Skill Enhancement Courses) and VAC (Value Added Courses) including (IKS) Indian Knowledge System. The course not only provides theoretical knowledge of subjects but also engages the students in practical laboratories for better understanding of different scientific concepts. The program structure initially comprises of major areas of microbiology that includes Introduction to the microbial world, Microbial Biochemistry, Fundamental & Applied Chemistry, Virology and Mycology, Bacteriology, Microbial Physiology and Metabolism, Molecular Biology, Food and Dairy Microbiology, Immunology, Industrial Microbiology etc. The programme also includes specific courses that will enhance the skill and ability of the students in addition to the Indian Knowledge System. The program also covers interdisciplinary courses like Biosafety and IPR, Developmental Biology, Bioinformatics etc.


Sr. Secondary (10+2) with Biology as a main subject or PCB.

Selection Process

The admission is based on merit.

After the program

Higher Studies

Jobs/ Employment

Structure of Program

Total Program Credits: 176

Subject Category Subject Codes Credit
C1 Cell Biology NBBT101T 3
C1 Cell Biology-Practical NBBT101P 1
C2 Introduction to Microbiology and Microbial World NBMC101T 3
C2 Introduction to Microbiology and Microbial World-Practical NBMC101P 1
EM Biomolecules NBEM101T 3
EM Biomolecules-Practical NBEM101P 1
MDC Fundamental of Chemistry NBCH101T 3
MDC Fundamental of Chemistry- Practical NBCH101P 1
AEC English ENG101 2
SEC Biosafety and Bioethics NBSE101T 2
VAC Yoga and sports for holistic development NVAC101T 2
Subject CategorySubjectCodesCredit
C3Microbial PhysiologyNBMC201T3
C3Microbial Physiology-PracticalNBMC201P1
EMVirology and MycologyNBEM107T3
EMVirology and Mycology-PracticalNBEM107P1
MDCApplied ChemistryNBCH201T4
AECEnvironmental ScienceENV101T2
SECBiofertilizers and BiopesticidesNBSE102T2
IKSFoundational literature of Indian civilizationNIKS101T2
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