Indian industry at present has reached the most crucial point whereas it faces the dynamic demands of the competitive domestic and global markets through the provisions of high-quality products and services. A skilled and talented workforce in such technologies is a major challenge facing today.
To reduce the gap between industry expectations and academic offerings by direct involvement of industry, IAR is committed to developing closer collaborative partnerships with industries and businesses to ensure that the education and training align with what is needed by the existing and emerging Industries businesses.
We at IAR believe that active involvement of industry education and research institutions can help to orient research and education activities towards the needs of students and society. It also brings expertise to support knowledge transfer activities and opportunities to promote innovation in everything we do.
The following approaches are proposed to enhance interface amongst industry, academia, and students:
- Collaboration with Industry and Business: We do several things to ensure the industry focus on keeping up with current and emerging trends and technologies and embedding these into the curriculum. We invite industry leaders to seek their advice and to inspire our students. We also gain insights into current and emerging trends that we can bring into the classroom.We have a number of experts from businesses and industries such as Reliance industries Vadodara, Meghmani Organics, Arihant Satiate and CSIR- CGCRI supporting the University and our students. Our students also visit different industries to observe and learn from the real working environment and understand the opportunities and challenges.
- Internships for students: We expect our students to undertake an internship, where they get an opportunity to learn practical skills, gain work experience and other professional skills.
- Placement and training: We insist that our students are job-ready by identifying the demands of the current industries and equip our students not only with technical and professional knowledge but also with skills for the workplace. To achieve this, major emphasis is placed to design our education programs in consultation with the industry. The University also provides special training programs to students to prepare them for the job market.
- Collaborative R&D: As a research-driven, we promote cooperative and collaborative development as a model to address the economic and social challenges of our communities. Our focus is applied research targeted at catalyzing innovation to deliver next-generation products and services.
- Consultancy: IAR has a strong focus on relevant research and developmental activities which benefit the business, industry, and society. The expertise of the university is used not only to improve teaching and research within the university but also to benefit larger part of the society and economy. The advanced facilities available at the university are also made available for the work to benefit the industry and business stakeholders. Consultancy enables the transfer of knowledge to business and industry and makes available real-world examples to enhance teaching at the University.
Learning from Industry
Industrial visits! generates excitement among IAR students as they get a chance to learn something outside the confines of their university campus. These industrial visits are conceptualized with a vision to design an active learning environment and to experience the theory put into action, thereby bringing practical context to their learning. Students are exposed to the real working environment and shown how things are done in an organization to understand work processes, industrial practices, and business functions.
These visits also enhance linkages between our faculty and industry professionals leading to collaborative research and development projects, thus enhancing industrial practice.
At the beginning of the academic year, students will be offered aptitude tests and counseled to chalk out their career plans – whether to pursue higher education or to seek an employment. Placement cell (PC) follows
“One Student One Accepted Job Policy”. Students who have accepted one offer will be de-registered from subsequent placement Drives with an exception of a single job option directly in their discipline.
The following conditions to be fulfilled during placement activities for students:
- Eligibility:
- It is the prime responsibility for every student to check eligibility criteria before applying for a placement in a company. The eligibility criteria and other information are usually uploaded on University Hub with subsequent updates. Final Year undergraduate and post graduate students who have passed all subjects of previous semesters of their program, and PhD scholars who have submitted their theses are eligible to participate by registering for placements. Students who have not paid the tuition fee or who have abad track record (severe attendance shortage, misconduct etc.,) are not allowed to attend the campus interviews.
2. Registration:
- Eligible students looking to be placed through PC have to register online by filling a registration form (Expression of interest (EOI)) and submitting to PC. The submission of EOI is compulsory for attending on campus or off-campus interviews before the prescribed deadline. Students are not interested in applying for jobs are asked not to register for job placements.
- Students may withdraw the EOI three days before the campus interviews. Mere registration will not guarantee a job, nor will PC be held responsible for providing a job. PC’s role is to assist students in training and placement.
- Each registered student will be given a Placement Registration (PR) Number to access the placement notices, company announcements and to upload resumes.
3. Resume:
- Students are required to submit their resumes. These resumes must be updated on to the IPC site prior to the annual placement cycle. Resumes may be edited subsequently based on job description and recruiting company. Sometimes customized or Company specific resumes may have to be filled and submitted as and when required.
- If incorrect information is given in resumes or discrepancies are found in any resume, the student submitting such a resume will be barred from placement process and disciplinary action will follow.
- Students are expected to follow the university resume template available in the website for preparing the resumes.
- Students have to upload and submit their resumes on the website to individual companies well before the deadline. Deadlines cannot be extended under any circumstance.
4. Certificates:
- As per the requirements of the Industry, students should furnish necessary certificates (Mark sheets of 10th, 12th, Graduate, Postgraduate etc).
5. On-campus/Off-campus Interviews:
- Registered students, who have given their EOI and are invited to attend the interview, are allowed to attend on-campus and off-campus pre-placement talks and the interview process. Students are required to stay on the premises where the interview is being held from the start through to the end of the entire interview process. A company approaches with specific requirements such as top 5% or top 20% academic records then the students who come under these categories only would be permitted for such companies with specific requirements.
- Students, who have registered but are absent for either pre-placement talk or campus or off-campus interviews, will be deregistered and a disciplinary action may result. Students, who are interested only in the pre-placement talk, but do not want to attend the interview, can do so with prior information to PC and only if permitted by the company. Students, who have not been selected in three attempts in the interviews assisted by PC, will be required to attend a focused training as per the feedback.
6. Job Offer/Appointment Letters:
- Selected students would receive a job offer letter/appointment letter/email informing them of their selection. Students are required to accept/reject the job offer during the process of recruitment.
- Students, who have accepted a job offer in the discipline of their program are not permitted to appear for further interviews by other companies. Students whose selection is pending or who have not received a confirmation from the first company are allowed to appear for further on-campus and off-campus interviews. If students who gain a placement through the IPC, fail to take up the placement without reasonable justification, may be subject to student disciplinary process.
7. Post Placement:
- Students who have been selected by the companies are required to report to the company after the final examinations and abide by associated rules and regulations. Students are requested to provide information about their achievements, promotions and job changes to PC.
- After having accepted a job offer, if a student does not wish to join a company due to genuine reasons such as health, pursuing higher studies etc, then the students must inform the IPC and the company of her/his inability to take up the placement and meet with any commitments made to the company.
8. Feedback:
- Students, who have registered and attended training and placement interviews are requested to provide feedback to the PC.
9. Dress code:
- Students are required to follow formal business dress code and should maintain professional behavior at all times through the interview process.
- Students who do not report at schedule time and who indulge in improper conduct will not be allowed to take part in the interview process.
- Students should keep in mind that they are representing their University as its ambassadors in all their interactions with the external companies.
10. Discipline:
- Students should maintain discipline and show ethical behavior in every action they take during the training and placement process and in the company they join.
PC office reserves the right to change any or all of the above rules and is the sole authority in taking decisions pertaining to placements from the institute. Any complaints must be brought to the PC for resolution.
Recruiters who are looking out for final year undergraduate and post graduate students are most welcome to conduct on-campus recruitment drive. However, they can also invite students for off-campus or pooled campus drives.
1. Placement Cycle:
a) Placement Cycle starts in the last week of February and runs through August of every year. However, the recruiters are free to contact the University throughout the year to enquire about the students’ availability and fix the date(s) for on-campus and off-campus placement interviews.
2. Registration:
a) Recruiters who are interested to conduct on-campus interviews are requested to send an email to
b) Recruiters are requested to furnish Job Profile/description at with all details such as number of vacancies, CTC, Designation, selection criteria etc.
c) A list of qualified candidates will be provided to the recruiters within two days, based on the requirements.
3. Recruitment:
a) Recruiters can either visit the campus or can invite the students to their company or any place in case of pooled campus drive for recruitment is being undertaken. They are welcome to conduct pooled campus drive in our campus.
b) Facilities like a hall, audio-visual facilities for on-campus pre-placement talk and interview process will be provided.
4. Selected candidates:
a) A list of the selected candidates can be mailed or hardcopy can be handed over to Placement Coordinator of the University after the completion of Interview Process. Students are permitted to appear for any number of interviews till offer letter is received. Hence it is in the best interest of the interviewer to issue offer letters to the selected students at the earliest. The University may be held responsible of students’ conduct (not reporting to company/ misconduct/resignation/absconding/underperformance) after the selection process is completed.
5. Feedback:
a) Recruiters are requested to provide feedback on the quality of the students and the facilities provided by the University.
6 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)/Collaborations/Industry-Institute-Interactions:
Institute of Advanced Research is a research-intensive university and offers numerous opportunities to industries and businesses for ongoing developments in companies. Companies are welcome to enter into an MoU for regular recruitment year on year. Companies are also welcome to collaborate with the University in matters other than student placement.
PC office reserves the right to change any or all of the above rules and is the sole authority in taking decisions pertaining to placements from the institute. Any complaints must be brought to the PC for resolution.