Research Facility

IAR, in addition to the good lab practice, also comply other safety guidelines monitored through committees like Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC), Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC), Institutional Chemical safety Committee (ICSC), Institutional Purchase Committee (IPC) Guidelines for grant submission, etc.

High standard research laboratories at the University provide an ideal atmosphere to conduct cutting-edge research. We have been fortunate to have received grants from Department of Biotechnology namely the Programme Support grant, Distributed Information Sub-centre (DISC) and also the grant for M.Sc. support.

1.AKTA protein purification system18.Gel Doc Systems
3.Automated Cell Counter20.Incubator Shaker
4.Binocular Microscope21.Laminar Flow
5.Biosafety Cabinets22.Microscopes
6.cDNA synthesis Kit23.Multi-Mode Microplate
7.Biosafety hoods24.PCRs
8.Centrifuge Kubota25.Real-time PCR
9.Circulatory Waterbath26.Rota Vac
10.CO2 Incubators27.Sorval Centrifuge
11.Confocal Microscope28.Shaker
12.Cooling Incubator29.Spectrophotometers
13.Deep Freezers30.Ultracentrifuge
14.Electronic orbital shaker31.Vacuum concentrator
15.Fume Hoods32.Lateral flow assay
16.Gas Chromatography33.Water treatment plants
17.Universal Testing Machine34.Impact Testing Machine
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