Collaborative Research Based on Societal Relevance and Industry Demand

IAR is open to collaborative Research and Development (R&D), which underpins innovation and has a positive impact on the economy, society, and the environment. IAR conducts applied research that solves technical challenges in the industry. Furthermore, collaborative R&D facilitates knowledge and resource sharing between industry and academia leading to multidisciplinary developments and resource efficiency.

As a research-driven institute, IAR promotes the cooperative development as a vibrant model to address the economic and social needs of our communities. IAR also offers consulting services to industries.

IAR has expertise in a range of areas that include:

Memorandum of Understanding

International Collaborations

IAR Faculty Collaborator
Dr. Reena Rajput Dr. Uma Nagarajan, Infectious Diseases Research University of North Carolina School of Medicine
Dr. Alok Pandya Prof. Steve Part, KAIST, South Korea

National Collaborations

IAR Faculty Collaborator
Dr. Reena Rajput Dr. Manish Nivsarkar, BV Patel PERD Centre, Ahmedabad Dr. Sarat Dalai, Nirma University, Ahmedabad Dr. Rajesh Vasita, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar Dr. Varsha Trivedi, IKRDC, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad Dr. Nawneet Kurrey, CFTRI, Mysuru
Dr. Alok Pandya Dr. Ritesh Shukla, Ahmedabad University Dr. Pinkesh Sutariya, Sardar patel University
Dr. Satyendra Mishra Prof. Avadhesha Surolia, IISc, Bangalore Prof. D Panda, IITB, Mumbai

Collaborate with IAR

Organizations seeking to work with us should contact IAR at:
Call: +91 79 61804300

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