Dr. Suman Ramapati

Assistant Professor


School of Business and Management

Contact Info

Work Experience

  • 7.5 Years teaching

  1. Ph.D. in Finance
  2. M.com
  3. B.com
  4. B.Ed

  • Finance (Working Capital Management, Food & Beverages Industry, FMCG, Financial Management)

  1. Ramapati, M. S., Joshi, A. B., Dave, A., & Dave, T. (2021). A study on efficiency of working capital management and financial performance with reference to Indian manufacturing company (Britannia Ltd). Vidya Bharti International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, ISSN: 2319-4979, August (2021), Pg. No. 2083-2089
  2. Ramapati, M. S., Joshi, A. B., Dave, A., & Dave, T. (2021). Role of Working Capital Management in Enhancing Firms’ Profitability. Vidya Bharti International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, ISSN: 2319-4979, August (2021), Pg. No. 1521-1526.
  3. Suman Ramapati, Dr. Ashish B Joshi (2021). Association between working capital administration and firms’ profitability concerning the food and beverage industry. Gap Gyan a global journal of social sciences, ISSN: 2581-5830, Vol.-IV, Issue-IV, Oct-Dec (2021), Pg. 33-37.
  4. Joshi, A. B., Dave, A., Dave, T., & Ramapati, M. S. (2020). DETERMINANTS OF WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: EVIDENCE FROM FOOD & BEVERAGES COMPANIES–NESTLE INDIA. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(7), 7432-7440.
  5. Joshi, A. B., & Ramapati, M. S. (2020). Working Capital Management and Financial Performance: A Study in Context of FMCG Company. Studies in Indian Place Names, ISSN: 2394-3114, Vol.-40, Issue-3, Feb (2020) Pg. 1679-1686.

  • Paper presented and full paper published in conference proceeding in REVA University (REVAISPELL CONF-2021).
  • Paper presented and full paper published in conference proceeding in JG College of Commerce (International conference in Economics & Management, 2021).
  • Guided UG & PG students in project work & viva voce as an internal expert at Silver Oak University.
  • Gold medalist in Bachelor of Education.
  • Got merit scholarship in Master of Commerce.


  • Personal Finance and Investment Management
  • Financial Management
  • Advanced Corporate Accounting
  • Advanced Financial Management
  • Introduction to Taxation and Accounting for Foreign Trade.


  • Financial Management
  • Banking and Insurance
  • Risk Management.
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