Ph.D. (English). (2023) : Pandit Deendayal Energy University
M.A. (English). (2018) : Central University of Gujarat
B.A: : (2016) University of Delhi
Communication Skills
Corporate Communication
Soft Skills
South Asian Literature
Graphic Narratives
Indian Writing in English
Postcolonial Theories
Indian Visual Culture
Saraswati, S. & Satyan, U. (2022) Role of Comics and Graphic Novels in School Education: A Critical Analysis. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education. Vol 14, Issue 04 2022. Pg 1088-1091 ISSN: 1308-5581. DOI: 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I4.142 (listed in WoS)
Saraswati, S. & Satyan, U. (2022). A Women’s World: Capturing the Experiences of Patriarchy in Indian Graphic Novels E-ISSN: 2321-4007. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education. Pg 2505-2508 Vol 14, Issue 03 2022. ISSN: 1308-5581. 10.9756/INT-JECSE/V14I3.299 (listed in WoS)
Saraswati, S. (2022) Doub Dil (A book review). Liberal Studies: Vol. 5, Issue 2, July-December 2020. Pg 105-107. ISSN No. 2455-9857. (listed in UGC Care.)
Saraswati, S. & Satyan, U. (2021) An Examination of Environment’s Role in Building Stronger International Relations. Towards Excellence UGC-Human Resource Development Centre Journal. ISSN No. 0974-035X. Vol.13. Issue 2. June, 2021. ISSN: 2321-4007. (listed in UGC Care.)
Satyan, U. & Saraswati, S. (2020). Stories and Visuals- An Examination of the Concept of Children’s Literature in colonial milieu. Journal of Humanities, Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat (KCG) Continuous Issue-44 | April– May 2020
Invited as a resource person for a national level one week FDP organised by Gokul Global University.
Panellist at International Virtual Symposium series of the Canadian Society for the Study of Comics
Received the Best Paper Award at an International Conference in Dubai.
Certified Communication Coach
Publication in 15+ papers in journals, 5+ Book Chapter, and 3 Books as editor
Have taken 9+ Faculty Development Programmes, 6+ MOOC courses, 2 Fully-residential short-term courses from IIT Delhi and IITgn and have participated in workshops in University of Warwick, JNU, IIMA, CUG etc.