Dr. Reena Agrawal-Rajput

Head - Professor


School of Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Contact Info

Work Experience

  • Teaching: 9 years full time, 2 years partially
  • Research: 18 years
  • Prominent Organizations Worked For:
    • National Centre for Cell Science, Pune
    • NIPER, Ahmedabad
    • B. V. Patel PERD Centre, Ahmedabad

  • Ph.D.: Biotechnology – National Centre for Cell Science, Pune University
  • Post Graduation: M. Sc Biotechnology, GGDU, Bilaspur, CG
  • Graduation: B.Sc. (Microbiology, Botany, Chemistry)

  • Macrophage polarization reversal as a strategy to revert tumor microenvironment.
  • Exploring Chlamydia trachomatis pathogenesis with the aim to establish it as a oncogenic factor for Cervical cancer
  • Testing macrophage subset depletion as a strategy against Shigella flexneri infection.
  • In situ cellular reprogramming.

  1. Patel D, Gaikwad S, Challagundla N, Nivsarkar M, Agrawal-Rajput R. (2018). Spleen tyrosine kinase inhibition ameliorates airway inflammation through modulation of NLRP3 inflammosome and Th17/Treg axis.Int. Immunopharmacol. 2018 Jan; 54: 375-384.
  2. Gaikwad S., Patel D. and Agrawal-Rajput R. (2017). CD40 Negatively Regulates ATP/TLR4 Activated Inflammasome in Microglia. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology Cell MolNeurobiol. 2017 Mar;37(2):351-359.
  3. Gaikwad S, Naveen C, Agrawal-Rajput R. (2016). Toll-like receptor-4 antagonism mediates benefits during neuroinflammation.Neural Regen Res. 2016 Apr;11(4):552-3.
  4. Naveen CR, Gaikwad S, Agrawal-Rajput R. (2016). Berberine induces neuronal differentiation through inhibition of cancer stemness and epithelial-mesenchymal transition in neuroblastoma cells. Phytomedicine. 2016 Jun 15;23(7):736-44
  5. Gaikwad S, Agrawal-Rajput R. (2015). Lipopolysaccharide from Rhodobactersphaeroides Attenuates Microglia-Mediated Inflammation and Phagocytosis and Directs Regulatory T Cell Response. Int. J. Inflam.2015;doi: 10.1155/2015/361326.)

1. Extra Mural Funding

As Project Investigator

  • Unravelling the molecular Mechanism of Berberine against Neuroblastoma Immunosuppressive Tumour Microenvironment. Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (ongoing)
  • Modulation of TLR5 mediated T regulatory functions in cholera vaccine reactogenicity. Dept. of Biotechnology, India. (completed)
  • Neuroprotective effects of TLR4 antagonist and signaling inhibitors in LPS induced neuronal insults. Dept. of Science and Technology, India. (Completed).
  • Diversifying dectins and inflammasomes in Aspergillusfumigatus specific immune response. Dept. of Biotechnology, India. (Completed).
  • Reprogramming of Immune Cell to Neuron: The new Face of CD40. Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission, Govt. of Gujarat. (Completed).
  • Programme support grant. Dept. of Biotechnology, India. (Completed).

As Co-investigator

The study of mitochondria dynamics during S. aureus infection in human epithelial cells. Indian Council Of Medical Research (ICMR), India. (Completed).

2. Life Membership

  • Indian Immunology Society, India.
  • All India Cell Biology Society, India.

3. Reviewer for Elsevier, Springer, Wiley and other society Publications  
4. External expert to a number of students for their Ph.D., M.Sc. and M.Pharm. Thesis progress as a Research Progress Committee Member
5. Invited as a speaker in a number of conferences

  • Cell Biology (BTCEB 701)
  • Molecular Cell Biology (CEB 801)
  • Immunology (IMM 701)
  • Infection and Immunity (IMM 801)
  • Recent updates in Immunology research (P 105)
  • Instrumentation and tools and techniques in Immunology (P 109)
  • Biology of Diseases (BOD 801)

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