Dr. Khushboo Sinha

Assistant Professor


School of Computing and Technology

Contact Info

Work Experience

  • 1 year (Teaching)
  • 5 years (Research includes PhD work)

  1. Ph.D. (2024): Wireless Communications (Dept. of ECE), Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
  2. M.E. (2016): Wireless Communications (Dept. of ECE), BIT MESRA, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
  3. B.Tech (2012): Electronics and Communications Engineering, R. P. Sharma Institute of Technology, Patna, India.

  • Wireless Communications
  • 6G Communications
  • Intelligent Reflecting Surface
  • Spectrum Sensing

  1. “Spectrum Sensing for Dynamic Primary User with Multiple Transitions under Rayleigh Distributed Channel Attenuation in Additive Laplacian Noise”, “Physical Communication, Elsevier, Volume 62, Pages 102259, February 2024, ISSN: 1874-4907.
  2. “Spectrum sensing Based on Two State Discrete Time Markov Chain in Additive Laplacian Noise”, “Wireless Networks”, Volume 28, Pages 2393–2402, August 2022, ISSN: 1572-8196.
  3. “Spectrum Sensing Techniques Based on Last Status Change Point Estimation for Dynamic Primary User in Additive Laplacian Noise”, “Wireless Personal Communications”, Volume 122, Pages 2131-2143, February 2022, ISSN: 1572-834X.
  4. “Modified Correlation Detector based Spectrum Sensing with Laplacian Noise in Cognitive Radio”, Radioelectronics and Communications Systems, Volume 64, Pages 390-402, July 2021, ISSN: 1934-8061.
  5. “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Hard Decision Fusion Based on Modified Correlation Detection Scheme in Additive Laplacian Noise”, 3rd International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC), Pages 1-7, October 2022, ISBN: 978-1-6654-9764-0.

  • Underwent training-cum-workshop on “6G communications using Python/Matlab” by IIT Kanpur, 2024.
  • Underwent training on “Machine learning” by IIT Kanpur, 2024.

  • Electronic Devices and Circuits
  • Digital Communication
  • Satellite Communication
  • Basic Electronics
  • Digital Electronics
  • Advanced Electromagnetic Field Theory
  • C Programming
  • Python Programming
  • AI-ML
  • Machine Learning

  • Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=FZOt2TYAAAAJ&hl=en
  • Linkedin: com/in/khushboo-sinha-323b42228
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