Dr Keval Gandhi

Assistant Professor


School of Computing and Technology

Contact Info

Work Experience

7.5 years (Research and Teaching)

  1. Ph.D. : Specialization: High Energy Particle Physics , S.V. National Institute of Technology, INDIA. July 2017 – November 2020,
  2. M.Phil. : Sardar Patel University, INDIA, July 2016 – July 2017
  3. M.Sc. : Condensed Matter Physics, Sardar Patel University, INDIA , June 2014 – May 2016
  4. B.Sc. Physics : Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, INDIA , June 2011 – May 2014

  • Connect theory and experiment
  • Predict the experimental signatures of theories
  • Interpret experimental results to identify the underlying theory

  1. Study of B, Bs mesons using heavy quark effective theory, Keval Gandhi and Ajay Kumar Rai, Accepted in Eur. Phys. J. A (August 2022), arxiv: 2208.08791v1 [hep-ph]. F.: 4.991
  2. Mass-spectra of , , , and baryons in Regge phenomenology, Juhi Oudichhya, Keval Gandhi, and Ajay Kumar Rai, Physica Scripta 97 (2022) 5,054001, arXiv:2204.10045 [hep-ph].F.: 2.487
  3. Spectra and Decay Properties of and Baryons, Amee Kakadiya, Zalak Shah, Keval Gandhi, and Ajay Kumar Rai, Few Body Syst. 63 (2022) 2, 29, arXiv: 11062[hep-ph]. I.F.: 1.764
  4. Mass-spectra of singly, doubly, and triply bottom baryons, Juhi Oudichhya, Keval Gandhi, and Ajay Kumar Rai, Phys. Rev. D 103 (2021) 11,114027, arXiv:2111.00236 [hep-ph].F.: 5.296
  5. Ground and excited state masses of , , and baryons, Juhi Oudichhya, Keval Gandhi, and Ajay Kumar Rai, Phys. Rev. D 103 (2021) 11, 114030, arXiv: 2105.10647 [hep-ph]. F.: 5.296
  6. Strong decay analysis of excited nonstrange charmed mesons: implications for spectroscopy, Keval Gandhi and Ajay Kumar Rai, Eur. Phys. J. A 57 (2021) 1, 23, arXiv: 1911.06063 [hep-ph].F.: 3.043

Present investigation on light baryons will serve as a bridge between nucleons made up of fundamentally relativistic and non-perturbative quarks and systems made up of heavy charm or bottom quarks. That will be a crucial step toward a systematic investigation of non-perturbative QCD at different scales.

  • Nuclear and Particle Physics
  • Classical Mechanics
  • Statistical Mechanics
  • General Physics Lab
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