Joshi Jaykumar, 2022-23 A Role of the University Incubators centres with special reference to Developing Societal Entrepreneurship: A Theoretical Approach, IJIRT, Volume 9 | Issue 7, Page no:238-244.
Joshi Jaykumar, 2022-23 An analytical comparative Study of Tire -1 of National Pension Scheme as investment perspective (Government securities, Equities and Corporate Bonds), IJIRT, Volume 9, Issue 8, Page no:386-389.
Investors perception towards mutual funds with special reference to Vadodara city International Journal of trade global business perspectives (Pezzottaite Journals) ISSN (P) 2319-9059 (O) 2319-9067.
Mutual funds: An investment option from investors points of views IBMRD Journal of Management & Research ISSN No: 2277-7830.
Investors’ perceptions towards the financial information disclosed in annual reports of listed companies of National stock exchange Global journal of Research in Management ISSN No; 2319-8915.
Recognized Ph.d Supervisor of Institute of Advanced Research University, Gandhinager
Appointed as Session chair in 2nd International conference on social work & Law “Building social entrepreneurial eco system for more sustainable and resilient society” jointly organized by GNLU, GUJCOST & IPR-2022-23)
Conference Attended and presented a research paper: 02- IIM-A & GNLU)
Overall published 14 Research papers in National & International peer reviewed journals and published one book.
Attended more than 35 National & International conferences and also presented research papers and articles on various topics.
Attended 05 FDP on different areas
Attended International research conference on Insolvency & Bankruptcy code-2016 at IIM-A (2022)
Member of Indian commerce Association
Member of editorial advisory board for international journal of commerce and business studies
Reviewer for International journal of legal studies
Delivered Webinar at IAR titled on Impact of Covid-19 on stock market during lockdown
UG: -Corporate Accounting, Business taxation, Cost and Management Accounting, Financial Management,Business Law, Treasury and Risk management
PG: – Accounting for Managers, Risk Management, Behavioural Finance, Financial Management, Legal aspects of business