Mr. Ankit Prajapati



School of Biotechnology and Bioengineering

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  • M.E.: Computer Aided Process Design (Chemical Engineering)  (Title of the Thesis: Synthesis of Silicone Nano-Sheet), L.D.Collage of Engineering,Gujatart,India (2020).
  • B.E: S.V.M.I.T., Bharuch,Gujarat, India (2014).

  1. Material Synthesis and Applications
  2. Electrochemical characterizations of silicone anode material for the Lithium Ion battery.

  • Prepared silicone Nano sheet for the lithium ion battery from the broken laboratory glassware.
  • Analyzed the different methods of fouling & root causes in heat exchanger and prepared review report on “Mitigation of Heat Exchanger Fouling” (IOCL-Baroda)
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