February,2017-June,2019:Assistant Professor at HVHP Institute of KadiSarwa University, Gujarat
Feb, 2016-, Jan, 2017:Woman Scientist Scheme under project titled “An efficient and eco-friendly synthesis of Biodiesel from microalgae cultivated in Pharma waste water” sponsored
by DST, Department of Botany, Gujarat University July,2015-Jan, 2016:Assistant Professor in HVHP Institute of Post Graduate Studies & Research, KadiSarwaUniversity, Gujarat
July, 2009-Jne, 2010:Lecturer in Chemistry Vivekananda Girls College, Rajasthan
Ph.D.,2009:Chemistry, St. John’s College, Agra, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra
M.Sc.,2002:Analytical Chemistry, St. John’s College, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar University, Agra
B.Sc., 2000:Chemistry, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Method Validation for drugs
Pesticide formulation and residue analysis
Bio-pesticides, Bioremediation, Metal analysis, waste water remediation etc
Waste water remediation, algal fuel, utilization of waste water etc.
Water, Soil, Food quality analysis.
Analyze heavy metals in different matrices and commodities
Pesticide formulation
Worked under GLP conditions
Extraction and clean up of all type of pesticides in water, soil and food commodities
Different technique used in pesticide residue analysis
Development and Validation of Multiresidues method for pesticide residues in different environmental samples
Development of Methodology for analyzing Organochlorine, Organophosphorous, Carbamates and synthetic parathyroid pesticides in the water, soil, food and environmental samples.
Mishra A and Solanki, HA, (2016). A review on biodiesel as efficient alternative fuel energy: current status and future perspectives. IJRSR, vol. 7, Issue, 8, pp.13052—13063.
Mishra, A and Verghese, S, (2016). Techniques and technologies available for quantification of heavy metals found in water and sediment. Int. J. Curr. Res. Chem. Pharm. Sci. . 3(9): 45-59.
Jaison,S., Sidhardhan, N., Saxena,N and Mishra,A.(2013).Comparative Study of Heavy Metal Contamination in Sediments of Yamuna river, Agra. J. Of Applicable Chemistry Vol2 (3) 532-538.
Verghese, S., Sihardhan, N., Mishra, A., Suliman, and Singh, M. (2011). Physico-chemical Characteristics of sediment of Yamuna River at Agra region, India. J. of Holistic Environment Vol 4(5)57-62.
Vaerghese, S., Mishra, A., and Singh, M., Physio-chemical characteristics and heavy metal concentration in
waste water from gold-silver plating sites of Agra city – a case study Indian J. Environ. Prot. Vol. 26(11)1112-1117 2006.
Feb, 2016-, Jan, 2017: Woman Scientist Scheme under project titled “An efficient and eco-friendly synthesis of Biodiesel from microalgae cultivated in Pharma waste water” sponsored by DST, under guidance of Dr. Hitesh Solanki Professor Department of Botany, Gujarat University
May, 2016: Abca lab on Algae Cultivation, Chandigarh
May-December, 2005: Pesticides Residue Analysis (PRA) Training with grade 'A' from National Plant Protection Training Institute (NPPTI) Hyderabad.
DCS (One Year Computer Course) from Aptech Computer Education in 2003.
Chemistry lab development activities (Instrument technical scrutiny and assessment etc.)
CHE 804 (Analytical Chemistry-1)
CHE 615 (Pesticides)
CHE 818 (Laboratory Techniques)
Analytical Chemistry 2
Analytical methods and Equipments Theory & Practical