Dr. Anjali Mishra

Assistant Professor


School of Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Contact Info

Work Experience

  • Teaching & Research Experience: 10 years
  • February,2017-June,2019:Assistant Professor at HVHP Institute of KadiSarwa University, Gujarat
  • Feb, 2016-, Jan, 2017:Woman Scientist Scheme under project titled “An efficient and eco-friendly synthesis of Biodiesel from microalgae cultivated in Pharma waste water” sponsored
  • by DST, Department of Botany, Gujarat University July,2015-Jan, 2016:Assistant Professor in HVHP Institute of Post Graduate Studies & Research, KadiSarwaUniversity, Gujarat
  • July, 2009-Jne, 2010:Lecturer in Chemistry Vivekananda Girls College, Rajasthan

  • Ph.D.,2009:Chemistry, St. John’s College, Agra, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra
  • M.Sc.,2002:Analytical Chemistry, St. John’s College, Dr. B.R.Ambedkar University, Agra
  • B.Sc., 2000:Chemistry, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

  • Biofuels
  • Method Validation for drugs
  • Pesticide formulation and residue analysis
  • Bio-pesticides, Bioremediation, Metal analysis, waste water remediation etc
  • Waste water remediation, algal fuel, utilization of waste water etc.
  • Water, Soil, Food quality analysis.
  • Analyze heavy metals in different matrices and commodities
  • Pesticide formulation
  • Worked under GLP conditions
  • Extraction and clean up of all type of pesticides in water, soil and food commodities
  • Different technique used in pesticide residue analysis
  • Development and Validation of Multiresidues method for pesticide residues in different environmental  samples
  • Development of Methodology for analyzing Organochlorine, Organophosphorous, Carbamates and synthetic parathyroid pesticides in the water, soil, food and environmental samples.

  1. Mishra A and Solanki, HA, (2016). A review on biodiesel as efficient alternative fuel energy: current status and future perspectives. IJRSR, vol. 7, Issue, 8, pp.13052—13063.
  2. Mishra, A and Verghese, S, (2016). Techniques and technologies available for quantification of heavy metals found in water and sediment. Int. J. Curr. Res. Chem. Pharm. Sci. . 3(9): 45-59.
  3. Jaison,S., Sidhardhan, N., Saxena,N and Mishra,A.(2013).Comparative Study of Heavy Metal Contamination in Sediments of Yamuna river, Agra. J. Of Applicable Chemistry Vol2 (3) 532-538.
  4. Verghese, S., Sihardhan, N., Mishra, A., Suliman, and Singh, M. (2011). Physico-chemical Characteristics of sediment of Yamuna River at Agra region, India. J. of Holistic Environment Vol 4(5)57-62.
  5. Vaerghese, S., Mishra, A., and Singh, M., Physio-chemical characteristics and heavy metal concentration in
  6. waste water from gold-silver plating sites of Agra city – a case study Indian J. Environ. Prot. Vol. 26(11)1112-1117 2006.

  • Feb, 2016-, Jan, 2017: Woman Scientist Scheme under project titled “An efficient and eco-friendly synthesis of Biodiesel from microalgae cultivated in Pharma waste water” sponsored by DST, under guidance of Dr. Hitesh Solanki Professor Department of Botany, Gujarat University
  • May, 2016: Abca lab on Algae Cultivation, Chandigarh
  • May-December, 2005: Pesticides Residue Analysis (PRA) Training with grade 'A' from National Plant Protection Training Institute (NPPTI) Hyderabad.
  • DCS (One Year Computer Course) from Aptech Computer Education in 2003.
  • Chemistry lab development activities (Instrument technical scrutiny and assessment etc.)

  • CHE 804 (Analytical Chemistry-1)
  • CHE 615 (Pesticides)
  • CHE 818 (Laboratory Techniques)
  • Analytical Chemistry 2
  • Analytical methods and Equipments Theory & Practical
  • Instrumental Analytical Methods
  • Basic Environmental Studies Theory & Practical
  • Chemistry of Basics Theory & Practical
  • Industrial Project
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