Dr. Abhishek Sharma

Assistant Professor


School of Biotechnology and Bioengineering

Contact Info

  • Ph.D.: Plant Biotechnology (Title of the Thesis: Terpenoid indole alkaloids pathway modulation studies in Catharanthus roseus via in vitro cell culture strategies), CSIR- Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow – Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India (2018).
  • M.Sc.: Biotechnology, Jaipur National University, Jaipur, India (2010).
  • B.Sc.: Biotechnology, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, India (2008).

  1. Secondary metabolites Pathway Metabolic Engineering of Catharanthus roseus and other medicinal plants.
  2. Identification of Plant Transcription factors and their role for spatial-temporal developmental regulation of plants.
  3. Plant Tissue Culture of Recalcitrant Plant Species (especially, Catharanthus roseus, Vinca minor, and Papaver somniferum) for Direct Regeneration for Stable Whole Plant Transgenic Production.
  4. Agrobacterium Mediated Genetic Transformation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Enhanced Metabolites Production.
  5. Conservation of Endangered and High Trade Medicinal Tree.

  1. Abhishek Sharma, Vyoma Mistry, Vinay Kumar, Pragya Tiwari (2022) “Production of effective phyto-antimicrobials via metabolic engineering strategies”. Special Thematic Issue for Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry Fighting antimicrobial resistance with natural products- current developments and future prospects. (http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1568026622666220310104645 – IF: 3.29).
  2. Bhrugesh Pravinchandra Joshi, Vishwambhar Vishnu Bhandare, Prittesh Patel, Abhishek Sharma, Rajesh Patel, Ramar Krishnamurthy (2022) “Molecular Modelling studies and identification of novel phytochemical inhibitor of DLL3”. Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, Doi.org/10.1080/07391102.2022.2045224 (IF: 3.39).
  3. Pragya Tiwari, Yashdeep Srivastava, M Bajpai, Abhishek Sharma (2021) Bioactive metabolites from natural sources: prospects and significance in drug discovery and Research. Bioingene PSJ. (IF: NA).
  4. A Sankaranarayanan, S Karthikeyan, Anoop Markande, Abhishek Sharma (2021) Remazol reactive dye degrading Bacteria from freshwater fish of River Cauvery, Pallipalayam of Namakkal District, South India. Environ Syst Res 10: 29 (2021). (IF: NA).
  5. Vyoma Mistry, Abhishek Sharma*, Ajay Kumar Mathur (2021) “Pre-plasmolysis: Key to direct regeneration in Catharanthus roseus. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Doi:10.1186/s43141-021-00170-X. (IF: NA).
  6. Pratibha Dwivedi, Dhruti Amin, Abhishek Sharma* (2020) “Effect of differential concentration of micronutrient Copper and Zinc on in vitro morphogenesis of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Plant Physiology Reports, 25: 178-184. (IF: NA).

Research Grant Received “As Principal Investigator”

  1. Department of Science and Technology, Science and Engineering Research Board (DST SERB) Start Up Research Grant (SRG/2019/000130)
    • Grant: INR 26,10,897/-
    • Duration: 2 Years 3 Months (19 November 2019 – 18 January 2022).
    • “Identification of genetic architecture, generating natural variation in antihypertensive and antineoplastic monoterpenoid indole alkaloids production in Catharanthus roseus via metabolome-genome wide association studies (mGWAS)”.
  2. Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM DST, Gov. of Gujarat) GRANT (GSBTM/JD(R&D)/620/20-21/354)
    • Grant: INR 14,99,686/-
    • Duration: 2 Years (June 2011- Feb 2022).
    • “Antifungal Protein production and expression analysis in bacteria as a prerequisite to obtain fungal resistant fennel”.
  3. Research Promotion Scheme, Uka Tarsadia University (UTU/RPS/1431-5/2019)
    • Grant: INR 50,000/-
    • Duration: 1.5 Years (September 2019 – March 2021).
    • “Mutational Breeding of Catharanthus roseus to enhance the production of anticancerous phytomolecules vinblastine and vincristine.”

Research Grant Received “As Co-Principal Investigator”

  1. Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM DST, Gov. of Gujarat) GRANT (GSBTM/JD(R&D)/620/20-21/355).
  • Principal Investigator: Dr. Gopal Jee Gopal (Assist. Professor Uka Tarsadia University)
  • Grant: INR 14,99,686/-
  • Duration: 2 Years (June 2021- May 2023).
  • “Production of recombinant enzyme for the degradation of plastic (Polyethylene terephthalate)”.


  • German DAAD PRIME Fellowship Reviewer for Plant Biotechnology (2020-21).
  • DST SERB START UP Young Scientist (19 November 2019 – 18 January 2022).
  • “GSBTM Research Support Scheme Grant (June 2011- Feb 2022).
  • “DST-INSPIRE FELLOWSHIP” for Ph.D. from “Department of Science and Technology, Government of India” (Jan. 2012 – Dec. 2016).
  • “DBT-BCIL FELLOWSHIP” “Department of Biotechnology, Government of India” under “Industrial Training Program” (December 2010-May 2011).
  • “GATE-Biotechnology” (All India Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering – 2010)

Membership in Professional Societies

  • Mentor at Gujarat Technical University – Atal Incubation Centre for Start-ups.
  • Reviewer for Nature “Scientific Reports”, ISSN 2045-2322.
  • Reviewer for Springer “Acta Physiologiae Planterum”, Journal ISSN 1861-1664.
  • Reviewer for Springer “Biotechnology Letters”, Journal ISSN 0141-5492.
  • Reviewer for Springer “Vegetos”, Journal ISSN 2229-4473.

  1. Mahendrana G, Savith Ashraf T, Khalifa YZ, Abhishek Sharma, Sankaranarayanan A, (2022) Evaluation of environment by microbial sensors. In Pradeep Verma, Maulin P. Shah, Bioprospecting of Microbial Diversity, Elsevier, pp 407-424. ISBN 978-0-323-90958-7.
  2. Dhuti Amin, Sanket Ray, and Abhishek Sharma (2021) “Gibberellin” in N Amaresan, Prittesh Patel, Dhruti Amin (Eds) Practical Handbook on Agriculture Microbiology. Humana Press, Springer Protocol Book, pp 273-276, ISBN 978-1-0716-1724-3.
  3. Dhruti Amin, Abhishek Sharma and Sanket Ray (2021) “Cyanobacteria” in N Amaresan, Prittesh Patel, Dhruti Amin (Eds) Practical Handbook on Agriculture Microbiology.  Humana Press, Springer Protocol Book, pp 85-91, ISBN 978-1-0716-1724-3.
  4. Prittesh Patel, Ami Naik, and Abhishek Sharma (2021) “Isolation and identification of Nitrite oxidizing microbes” in N Amaresan, Prittesh Patel, Dhruti Amin (Eds) Practical Handbook on Agriculture Microbiology. Humana Press, Springer Protocol Book, pp 219-221, ISBN 978-1-0716-1724-3.
  5. Sankaranarayanan A, Khalifa AYZ, Amaresan N and Abhishek Sharma (2021) “Soil Microbiome to maximize the benefits to crop plants – a special reference to rhizosphere microbiome”. 125-140 In: Microbiome stimulants for crops: Mechanisms and applications.  James White, Ajay Kumar and Samir Droby, Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier publications), Oxford, U.K. pp. 125-140. ISBN 978-0-12-822122-8.
  6. Abhishek Sharma, Dhruti Amin, Rajesh Arora, Ajay Kumar Mathur (2020) “Bacillus thuringiensis Cry Gene Mediated Biological Pest Management in Grain Legumes” In Amaresan N, Kumar S, Kumar K, Sankaranarayanan A (Eds.) Microbial mitigation of stress responses of food legume plants, pp 245-256, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, ISBN 978-0-367-46024-2.

Book Edited/Written/Published

1.         ‘The Future of Metabolic Engineering’ with Nova Science Publishers, USA, Edited by Dr. Abhishek Sharma and Dr. Dhruti Amin; DOI: https://doi.org/10.52305/VEAH4499.ece

  • ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0271-6892
  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhishek-sharma-20440231/
  • Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SP1CbssAAAAJ&hl=en
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