Engineering is the application of the principles of basic science to the solving of problems within constraints (that is, building things). B.Tech-Computer engineering is engineering applied to computers and computer-based systems. B.Tech-Computer engineering is a 4 years (8 semesters) long program. The program offers a range of computer related core subjects, electives and last semester is completely dedicated to industry project.
The course contents are designed in such a way that it prepares students to appear for various entrance tests at the national/international level (NET/GATE/GRE) etc. Laboratory practices is an integral part of any successful engineering program, our all semesters have some practical subject which are performed in a computer lab that gives a practical exposure to students. Public lectures, industrial visit, conferences and hands-on workshops are also organized time to time which allow students to meet one another and to learn and discuss issues, ideas and work that focus on a topic of mutual concern. B.Tech-Computer engineering programs started in 2017 .Few of our student’s has won prize at startup fest IIM – Udaipur in 2019.
As per guideline given by Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC)
As per guideline given by Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC)
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | COM101T | Introduction to computer and programming using ‘C’ | 3 |
2 | COM101P | Introduction to computer and programming using ‘C’ – Practical | 1 |
3 | EEE201T | Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 3 |
4 | EEE201P | Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering – Practical | 1 |
5 | EWP201P | Engineering Workshop – Practical | 1 |
6 | MCH101T | Material Chemistry | 4 |
7 | MCH101P | Material Chemistry – Practical | 1 |
8 | EM201T | Engineering Mathematics – I | 4 |
9 | ENG101T | English | 2 |
10 | SAT101P | Software Applications and Tools – Practical | 1 |
11 | — | Induction Program | 0 |
Total | 21 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | EGS201T | Engineering Graphics | 3 |
2 | EGS201P | Engineering Graphics – Practical | 2 |
3 | IDS201T | Industry 4.0 | 3 |
4 | IDS201P | Industry 4.0 – Practical | 1 |
5 | EM202T | Engineering Mathematics – II | 4 |
6 | PHY201T | Engineering Physics | 4 |
7 | PHY201P | Engineering Physics – Practical | 1 |
8 | ENV101T | Environmental Science | 2 |
9 | — | NSS/NCC/Sports/Yoga | 0 |
Total | 20 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | MIT201T | Data Structure and Algorithms | 4 |
2 | MIT201P | Data Structure and Algorithms – Practical | 1 |
3 | MIT102T | Database Management System | 3 |
4 | MIT102P | Database Management System – Practical | 1 |
5 | MIT204T | Object Oriented Programming | 3 |
6 | MIT204P | Object Oriented Programming – Practical | 1 |
7 | BTCE301T | Digital Electronics | 3 |
8 | BTCE301P | Digital Electronics – Practical | 1 |
9 | DM301T | Discrete Mathematics | 4 |
10 | IPR301T | Business Ethics and Intellectual Property Rights | 3 |
Total | 24 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | BTCE401T | Probability and Statistics | 4 |
2 | BTCE402T | Computer Organization and Architecture | 3 |
3 | BTCE402P | Computer Organization and Architecture – Practical | 1 |
4 | MIT104T | Operating System | 3 |
5 | MIT104P | Operating System – Practical | 1 |
6 | BTCE403T | Python for Data Science | 4 |
7 | BTCE403P | Python for Data Science – Practical | 1 |
8 | BOM401T | Management-I (Business and | 4 |
9 | INC401T | Organizational Management) | 2 |
Total | 23 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | BTCE501T | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | 3 |
2 | BTCE501P | Design and Analysis of Algorithms- Practical | 1 |
3 | BTCE502T | Computer Network | 3 |
4 | BTCE502P | Computer Network – Practical | 1 |
5 | BTCE503T | Web Technology | 3 |
6 | BTCE503P | Web Technology – Practical | 1 |
7 | BTCE504T | Information and Network Security | 3 |
8 | BTCE504P | Information and Network Security -Practical | 1 |
9 | BTCE507T/BTCE508AT | “Elective – I (Introduction to Cyber Security/Internet of Things)” |
3 |
10 | BTCE507P/BTCE508AP | “Elective – I (Practical) (Introduction to Cyber Security/Internet of Things)” |
1 |
11 | BTCE509T | Microprocessor and Interfacing | 3 |
12 | BTCE509P | Microprocessor and Interfacing – Practical | 1 |
Total | 24 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | BTCE501T | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | 3 |
2 | BTCE501P | Design and Analysis of Algorithms- Practical | 1 |
3 | BTCE502T | Computer Network | 3 |
4 | BTCE502P | Computer Network – Practical | 1 |
5 | BTCE505T | Artificial Intelligence | 3 |
6 | BTCE505P | Artificial Intelligence-Practical | 1 |
7 | BTCE506T | Introduction to Data Science | 3 |
8 | BTCE506P | Introduction to Data Science – Practical | 1 |
9 | BTCE508BT/BTCE508CT | Elective – I (Human-Computer Interaction /Pattern Recognition) | 3 |
10 | BTCE508BP/BTCE508CP | Elective – I (Practical) (Human-Computer Interaction /Pattern Recognition) | 1 |
11 | BTCE509T | Microprocessor and Interfacing | 3 |
12 | BTCE509P | Microprocessor and Interfacing – Practical | 1 |
Total | 24 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | BTCE501T | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | 3 |
2 | BTCE501P | Design and Analysis of Algorithms- Practical | 1 |
3 | BTCE502T | Computer Network | 3 |
4 | BTCE502P | Computer Network – Practical | 1 |
5 | BTCE507T | Introduction to Cyber Security | 3 |
6 | BTCE507P | Introduction to Cyber Security – Practical | 1 |
7 | BTCE504T | Information and Network Security | 3 |
8 | BTCE504P | Information and Network Security -Practical | 1 |
9 | BTCE508CT/BTCE508AT | Elective – I (Pattern Recognition/Internet of Things) | 3 |
10 | BTCE508CP/BTCE508AP | Elective – I (Practical) (Pattern Recognition/Internet of Things) | 1 |
11 | BTCE509T | Microprocessor and Interfacing | 3 |
12 | BTCE509P | Microprocessor and Interfacing – Practical | 1 |
Total | 24 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | MIT301T | Software Engineering | 4 |
2 | BTCE603AT/BTCE603BT | “Elective – II (Advanced Java Programming / Mobile Application Development) “ |
3 |
3 | BTCE603AP/BTCE603BP | “Elective – II (Practical) (Advanced Java Programming / Mobile Application Development) “ |
1 |
4 | MIT205AT/BTIT501T | “Elective – III (Basics of NodeJS and ReactJS / Computer Graphics and Visualization)” |
3 |
5 | MIT205AP/BTIT501P | “Elective – III (Practical) (Basics of NodeJS and ReactJS / Computer Graphics and Visualization)” |
1 |
6 | BTCE605AT/BTCE704T | “Open Elective – I (Distributed Computing/Machine Learning)” |
3 |
7 | BTCE605AP/BTCE704P | “Open Elective – I (Practical) (Distributed Computing/Machine Learning)” |
1 |
8 | BTCE606T | Wireless Sensors and Network | 3 |
9 | COS101T | Communication Skills | 2 |
10 | BTCE607P | Project-I | 3 |
Total | 24 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | BTCE601T | R-Programming | 3 |
2 | BTCE601P | R-Programming – Practical | 1 |
3 | MIT301T/BTCE603CT | Elective – II (Software Engineering /Robotics and Automation) | 4 |
4 | MIT205AT/BTIT501T | Elective – III (Basics of NodeJS and ReactJS / Computer Graphics and Visualization) | 3 |
5 | MIT205AP/BTIT501P | Elective – III (Practical) (Basics of NodeJS and ReactJS / Computer Graphics and Visualization) |
1 |
6 | BTCE605BT/BTCE605AT | Open Elective – I (Data warehousing & data Mining/Distributed Computing) | 3 |
7 | BTCE605BP/BTCE605AP | Open Elective – I (Data warehousing & data Mining/Distributed Computing) | 1 |
8 | BTCE606T | Wireless Sensors and Network | 3 |
9 | COS101T | Communication Skills | 2 |
10 | BTCE607P | Project-I | 3 |
Total | 24 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | BTCE602T | Securing mobile Devices & Cloud Environment | 3 |
2 | BTCE602P | Securing mobile Devices & Cloud Environment- Practical | 1 |
3 | BTCE603DT/ BTCE603BT | Elective – II (Cyber Security Governance & Compliance/ Mobile Application Development) | 3 |
4 | BTCE603DP/ BTCE603BP | Elective – II (Practical) (Cyber Security Governance & Compliance/ Mobile Application Development) |
1 |
5 | BTCE604AT/BTCE604BT | Elective – III (Digital Watermarking and Steganography / Data Privacy) | 3 |
6 | BTCE604AP/BTCE604BP | Elective – III (Practical) (Digital Watermarking and Steganography / Data Privacy) |
1 |
7 | BTCE605AT/BTCE704T | Open Elective – I (Distributed Computing/Machine Learning) | 3 |
8 | BTCE605AP/BTCE704P | Open Elective – I (Practical) (Distributed Computing/Machine Learning) |
1 |
9 | BTCE606T | Wireless Sensors and Network | 3 |
10 | COS101T | Communication Skills | 2 |
BTCE607P | Project-I | 3 | |
Total | 24 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | BTCE701T | Automata and Compiler Design | 3 |
2 | BTCE701P | Automata and Compiler Design – Practical | 1 |
3 | BTCE702T | Blockchain Technology | 3 |
4 | BTCE702P | Blockchain Technology – Practical | 1 |
5 | BTCE505T/BTCE707AT | “Elective – IV (Artificial Intelligence/Cloud Computing)” |
3 |
6 | BTCE505P/BTCE707AP | “Elective – IV (Practical) (Artificial Intelligence/Cloud Computing)” |
1 |
7 | BTCE605BT/BTCE506T | “Open Elective – II (Data warehousing & data Mining/Introduction to Data Science)” |
3 |
8 | BTCE605BP/BTCE506P | “Open Elective – II (Practical) (Data warehousing & data Mining/Introduction to Data Science)” |
1 |
9 | BTCE708P | Project-II | 5 |
Total | 21 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | BTCE703T | Big Data Analytics | 3 |
2 | BTCE703P | Big Data Analytics – Practical | 1 |
3 | BTCE704T | Machine Learning | 3 |
4 | BTCE704P | Machine Learning – Practical | 1 |
5 | BTCE707BT/BTCE603BT | Elective – IV (Natural Language Processing /Mobile Application Development) | 3 |
6 | BTCE707BP/BTCE603BP | Elective – IV (Practical) (Natural Language Processing /Mobile Application Development) |
1 |
7 | BTCE507T/BTCE508AT | Open Elective – II (Introduction to Cyber Security/Internet of Things) | 3 |
8 | BTCE507P/BTCE508AP | Open Elective – II (Practical) (Introduction to Cyber Security/Internet of Things) |
1 |
9 | BTCE708P | Project-II | 5 |
Total | 21 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | BTCE705T | Digital Forensics | 3 |
2 | BTCE705P | Digital Forensics-Practical | 1 |
3 | BTCE706T | Cyber Threat Intelligence | 3 |
4 | BTCE706P | Cyber Threat Intelligence – Practical | 1 |
5 | BTCE505T/BTCE707AT | Elective – IV (Artificial Intelligence/Cloud Computing) | 3 |
6 | BTCE505P/BTCE707AP | Elective – IV (Practical) (Artificial Intelligence/Cloud Computing) |
1 |
7 | BTCE605BT/BTCE506T | Open Elective – II (Data warehousing & data Mining/Introduction to Data Science) |
3 |
8 | BTCE605BP/BTCE506P | Open Elective – II (Practical) (Data warehousing & data Mining/Introduction to Data Science) |
1 |
9 | BTCE708P | Project-II | 5 |
Total | 21 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | BTCE801P | Project-III | 12 |
2 | — | “Open Elective – III (Internship/Project/Trend Based Online MOOC Course)” |
Total | 12 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | BTCE801P | Project-III | 12 |
2 | — | Open Elective – III (Internship/Project/Trend Based Online MOOC Course) |
0 |
Total | 12 |
Sr. No. | Course/ Practical Code | Course/Practical Name | Credits |
1 | BTCE801P | Project-III | 12 |
2 | — | “Open Elective – III (Internship/Project/Trend Based Online MOOC Course)” | 0 |
Total | 12 |