
Dr. Raksh Vir Jasra

Sr. Vice President, (R&D), Reliance Industries Ltd., Vadodara Manufacturing Centre, Vadodara 391346, Gujarat


Prof. Suman Kumar Dhar

Special Centre for Molecular Medicine Molecular Medicine, JNU Delhi

Prof. Tapan Choudhary

Kusuma School of Biological Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Prof. Rajiv Gupta

Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, North Campus, Mall Road, Delhi

Prof. Surjit Mukherjee

Department of Physics, MS University Baroda

Prof. Pramod Damodar Paliwal

School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Raysan Gandhinagar-382007

Prof. Bhamidimari Rao

President, Institute of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar

Dr. Anand Tiwari

Department of  Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Institute of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar

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